To fulfil the role of Company Secretary or Assistant Company Secretary, depending on level of experience, to a selection of fund entities.
(Full training will be provided as required)
- Act as Company Secretary to a portfolio of fund boards
- Provide regulatory and procedural guidance to the boards on company related matters.
- Review changes in legislation and Corporate Governance, disseminate implications to the team and assist with procedural changes where necessary
- Assist with team projects / initiatives
- Liaison with Client/Directors to arrange and facilitate Board meetings (availability, rooms, telephone etc.)
- Preparation and circulation of material for Board Meetings
- Attend / host board meetings
- Draft written minutes of each meeting and circulate as appropriate for approval
- Draft and circulate written resolutions
Statutory Records
- Set up and maintain hard copy statutory record files in accordance with regulatory requirements for all new companies and ensure timely filing of documents
- Log agreements on master agreements log per client
- Complete and update Signatory mandates
- Completion and submission of JFSC Registry annual confirmations
- Ensure statutory fees are paid including the following:
- Ensure distribution of accounts is correctly completed and filed with statutory bodies.
- Notify JFSC of changes to officers, signatories, directors, auditors, manager, proposed alteration to fund documentation e.g. prospectus, agreements, change of registered office
- Maintain Directors and Secretary’s registers
- Maintain Members register
- Maintain Seal register (if applicable)
- Maintain Registers of Associates
- Maintain Registers of Connected Customers/Insider list
- Assist with the maintenance of the teams various Company Secretarial Procedures.
- Gather and have available KYC information for new Directors or other persons where required
- Assist with preparation of any Regulatory compliance visits
- Assist with review of all accounts, draft prospectuses, draft agendas for meetings, draft marketing material in accordance with appropriate legislation
- Maintain procedures in line with all legislative requirements under which funds operate and ensure all statutory returns are made accurately and on a timely basis in accordance with the law
- Review SLAs and ensure adherence and regular reviews are completed
- Prepare Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance Proposal Forms and ensure cover is maintained
- Arrange for client company letterhead to be set up and available
- Cover for team members when necessary
Technical Skills - Preferred Requirements
- Good knowledge of the offshore fund industry particularly concerning the regulatory requirements and the role of the company secretary
- Understanding of the laws and regulations applicable to the management and administration of a fund operation
- Experience relating to London Stock Exchange listed entities would be beneficial
(Full training will be provided as required)
Qualifications & Industry Experience - Preferred Requirements
- Ideally hold or be working towards an industry relevant professional qualification such as ICSA
- At least 2 years relevant industry experience
Competencies - Preferred Requirements
- Strong team ethic
- Effective communication skills
- Strong client service orientation
- Excellent time management ability
- The ability to work under pressure
- Judgment and problem solving
Qualifications Supported
- Regulation & Compliance
- Investments & Operations
Regulatory Requirements
25 hrs CPD p.a.
Découvrez les métiers de BNP Paribas : Audit, Conformité, Risques et Juridique
Le paysage réglementaire de notre secteur évolue rapidement et nous nous devons d’être irréprochables ! Pour exercer un métier à fortes responsabilités et prendre part à des décisions stratégiques pour le bon fonctionnement de BNP Paribas, découvrez les opportunités offertes dans les métiers de l’audit, de la conformité, des risques et du juridique.
En savoir plusPourquoi je candidaterais ?
Pour quelles raisons je rejoindrais BNP Paribas et pas une autre entreprise ?
Parce que je souhaite...
Et si on vous disait que travailler dans notre Groupe, ce n’est pas ce que vous croyez ? Chez BNP Paribas, on exerce une multitude de métiers qui évoluent en permanence pour être en phase avec les attentes des clientes et clients comme de la société. Au travers d’actions du quotidien ou de grands projets, exercer l’un de nos métiers, c’est s’engager pour agir durablement.
Se sentir bien dans son job, c’est avant tout venir travailler comme on est. C’est aussi avoir les moyens d’un bon équilibre entre sa vie professionnelle et sa vie personnelle. Deux engagements majeurs pour BNP Paribas.
Chez BNP Paribas, le développement de vos compétences est essentiel, pour vous comme pour nous. Et cela vous servira pour toute votre vie professionnelle.